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₪‡×Sys32r.Opxׇ«Q8-Optix» †èàm‡₪

For _- Girls _- Boyat _- ladies

    ThE LasT PoeM IaM WastinG On U !!

    MGnOoOn Al-7oB
    MGnOoOn Al-7oB

    المساهمات : 114
    تاريخ التسجيل : 17/09/2010
    العمر : 27
    الموقع : قـلب حبيبتي

     ThE LasT PoeM IaM WastinG On U !! Empty ThE LasT PoeM IaM WastinG On U !!

    مُساهمة  MGnOoOn Al-7oB الثلاثاء سبتمبر 21, 2010 1:49 am

    Some PPL Told Me I Shouldn't Try
    Because All U Do Is Make Me Cry
    But I loved U 2 Much 2 Let U Go
    I Loved U More Than U Think U Know

    The Things U Do Proves 2 Me That U Just Don't Care Any More
    All Those Times I Needed U There
    2 Hold Me When I Hurt Real Bad
    2 Dry My Tears & Take My Hand
    U Can't Understand How I Feel Inside
    When It Was Over, I Just Died

    All I Wanted U 2 See
    Is What U Really Mean 2 Me
    "a Nice Person Is All Iam 2 U" U Say
    U Looked Down On Me & Steped On My Pain
    U Used 2 Say U Loved Me,
    U Used 2 Say U Cared
    Guess It Was't Enough 2 Make U Stay

    U Didn't Cry 4 My Absence I Know
    U Forgot Me Long Ago
    U Ignored Me When I Was Suffering
    U Were Smiling While I Was Bleeding
    Am I That Unimportant 2 U

    I Can't Stop Thinking About U
    I Want U 2 Know All This Is True
    Everything You've Read
    Is About The Things U Did

    I Know I'd Better Stop Trying
    But Iam So Sick Of Crying
    I’m Broken Beyond Repair
    You’ve Destroyed Me

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 28, 2024 5:21 pm